
Affordable Massage - mobile spa services, Sandra Fonder, D.C., LMT, 830-456-8961
Alamo Colleges Greater Kerrville Center - Beau Saul, Student Success Specialist, Economic Workforce Development, 830-896-0049
American Red Cross - William Thomas, Disaster Program Specialist Emergency Services, Hill Country Chapter, 333 Earl Garrett Street, Kerrville, 830-257-4677
Angelo State University - Daniel Martinez, Graduate Programs Advisor, College of Education, 325-486-6603
Art 2 Heart (Kerrville) - using arts to reach the hearts, 830-792-3338
Ave Maria Hospice - serves people of all faiths with a staff of social workers, medical staff, and chaplains fluent in Spanish, in Fredericksburg, Kerrville, Boerne, Comfort, Ingram, Hunt, Stonewall, Harper, Bandera, Center Point, plus all surrounding areas of Gillespie, Kendall, Kerr, and Bandera Counties; home can be a residence, ranch, assisted living center, or nursing facility
Big Brothers and Big Sisters of South Texas - Debra Parmley, Branch Coördinator, 830-257-2447
BCFS Kerrville Transition Center - providing residential services and emergency shelters for children who are abused or neglected; assisted living services and vocational training for adults with intellectual disabilities; mental health services for children and families; foster care and adoption services; medical services to indigent communities; and transitional living services for at-risk youth and those in the juvenile justice system
Bridging the Gap - a bereavement program for children, ages 6-18 offered by Peterson Regional Medical Center, Kerrville; contact: Jennifer Latiolas, 830-258-7401
Catholic Charities - provides services to nineteen counties, including many in the THCCA area; providing bilingual counseling, maternity home, and other services
(The) Compassionate Friends - chapter phone line - 830-353-2372, Sue Endsley, 830-928-7745
Counseling Associates of Kerrville - Need a laugh? Learn how to demotivate people.
Enhanced Horizons (Ingram) - transitional living for homeless teens and young adults, Carl Harris, Director, 830-367-4330
Families and Literacy, Inc. - Debbie Freed, Interim Executive Director, 830-896-8787, Annette Kurz, Operations Coördinator, 830-896-8787
Family Endeavors (Kerrville) - supportive services for veteran families, Gary Powers, Mentor / Case Manager, 830-896-0190
Fredericksburg Food Pantry
Gentiva Hospice - Jill McAnelly, Hospice Specialist, 830-792-6200
Hill Country CARES - provides services, advocacy, counseling, and emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault in Kerr, Kendall, Kimble, Bandera, and Gillespie Counties; Suzanne Tomerlin, Volunteer Coördinator / Public Relations, 830-257-7097
Hill Country Memorial Hospice - grief support is available to anyone impacted by loss; provides individual and group counseling, bereavement retreats, memorial services, and community outreach
Hill Country MHDD - providing mental health services for Bandera, Blanco, Comal, Edwards, Gillespie, Hays, Kendall, Kerr, Kimble, Kinney, Llano, Mason, Medina, Menard, Real, Schleicher, Sutton, Uvalde, and Val Verde Counties
Hill Country Needs Council - Fredericksburg, Gillespie County - provides help with rent, utilities, pays for counseling with area therapists, and provides transportation for medical needs
Kimble Hospital (Junction) - Joy Wall, RN, Assistant CNO, 325-446-8149
Kimble Hospital Heritage Senior Program - Dana Cardwell, Psychotherapist, 325-446-8140
Know a Newcomer? Free Welcome Basket - Kristin the Welcome Lady, 830-257-0599
K’STAR - provides counseling, guidance, education, and emergency shelter to runaways, abused, or at-risk youth and their families; serving fourteen Hill Country counties
La Hacienda Treatment Center - providing treatment for alcohol and drug addiction, located in Hunt, Texas
Littlegrass Ranch, Inc. (Comfort) - sanctuary and support for horsewomen and their horses, 888-547-9393
Military Veteran Peer Network - (Hill Country MHDD), Michael Cagle, Veteran Wrap Coördinator, 830-792-7511
New Hope Counseling (Kerrville)
Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) - confidential help line, 830-343-3430
Peterson Hospice - (Kerrville), Luann Stancil, Assistant Volunteer Coördinator, 830-258-7799, Jennifer Latiolais, Volunteer Manager
The Pregnancy Resource Center (Kerrville)
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services - Allison Abascal-Roemer, Family Based Safety Services Supervisor, 830-792-4303 Ext. 232, Abuse Hotline - 800-252-5400
Texas Department of Rehabilitation (DARS) - can provide many services (vocational rehabilitation, transition planning, assist paying for surgeries, counseling services) for persons who are disabled or have mental illnesses; Kerrville Field Office, 516 Sidney Baker St., Kerrville (830-257-7556)
Trauma Informed Care - (Hill Country MHDD), Kim Olden, Director, 830-792-3300 Ext. 1831
Usui System of Natural Healing - Anne Schneider, Reiki Master, 830-739-5828
Workforce Solutions (Alamo) Career Center - Marti Ashcraft, Business Services Manager, 830-257-3171